Lena H. Nghiem

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Lena H. Nghiem

Hello! I’m Lena. Welcome to my writing website and higher calling—to carry the message of hope, healing, and recovery. I was a depressed, lost soul, and through the help of others, I found a new model of living that has profoundly changed my life for the better. I am indebted to those who guided me and were driven to pay it forward. The purpose of this space is to encourage others to look within, to help those suffering from loneliness, restlessness, and discontent, and to aid those struggling with anxiety, anger, fear, depression, addiction, trauma, mental illness, and suicidal ideation. I believe that when we honestly look at our behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and belief systems—and work with them—we can alleviate the causes of our suffering and bring joy and happiness.


Lena H. Nghiem



HR Professional

Spiritual Seeker

Mental Health Advocate

Hello! I’m Lena. Welcome to my writing website. The purpose of this space is to provide what I learned and from my writing I hope to encourage others to look within, to help those suffering from loneliness, restlessness, and discontent, and to aid those struggling with anxiety, anger, fear, depression, addiction, trauma, mental illness, and suicidal. I believe that when we honestly look at our behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and belief systems—and work with them—we can alleviate the causes of our suffering and bring joy, forgiveness, and happiness.


Healing Power of Writing

I learned I suffered from bipolar disorder 1 and dissociative identity disorder (DID). I discovered a love for writing and an ability to express my thoughts and feelings in a way only I can understand, and I’m honored to share with people similar in the same struggle. My writing is based on self-knowledge consisting of significant essential events that help define who I am to myself and others. I write books as a part of my healing experience. As an autobiographical author, I draw upon memories of episodes in my life to project a sense of self through writing and craft a persona that, whether true or not, I hope my readers will accept as my authentic self. I narrate life stories with high, low, and turning points.

“Being true to yourself also involves showing and sharing emotion. The spirit that motivates most great storytellers is “I want you to feel what I feel,” and the effective narrative is designed to make this happen. That’s how the information is bound to the experience and rendered unforgettable.”



This is a personal Blog—an open space that is informal, journal-like, and exploratory. My blog aims to share my experiences and insights and offer strategies and tools for those dealing with love, loss, heartache, mental illness, fear, anxiety, self-care, weight loss, spirituality, anger, and trauma.


My Books are Pieces of My Heart

Reflection of Invisible Madness

I have hidden my Invisible Identity from Reality. Secret Identities are important in comic movies, but in the real world, some real people have many reasons to hide from the public the secret of the madness created inside the unexplainable mind. If you can’t explain or see makes it questionable, which makes it have a wild imagination and society’s fear of the unknown, so they keep the crazy away, causing them to be closed-minded. This story was written to differentiate the delirium of these invisible identities my mind created and decipher to relearn to relive again without being in captivity. I will share the madness and turmoil on both ends of the spectrum to find how the world is to me and the impact of the many different voices in my head that became its’ own identity with other thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors.

Darkness Inside

I have hidden my Invisible Identity from Reality. Secret Identities are important in comic movies, but in the real world, some real people have many reasons to hide from the public the secret of the madness created inside the unexplainable mind. If you can’t explain or see makes it questionable, which makes it have a wild imagination and society’s fear of the unknown, so they keep the crazy away, causing them to be closed-minded. This story was written to differentiate the delirium of these invisible identities my mind created and decipher to relearn to relive again without being in captivity. I will share the madness and turmoil on both ends of the spectrum to find how the world is to me and the impact of the many different voices in my head that became its’ own identity with other thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors.

Healing Shattered Parts

This book accounts for events I thought were a curse of being diagnosed with mental illnesses. Now I know my illness is not an illness. DID is God’s gift. God gave me a way to fight through the trauma. I’m one of those who have a fractured mind, but that same mind has saved my life numerous times. I struggled for years, feeling shattered, trying to make sense of everything that happened to me. The turning point during my journey changed everything for me after I learned there is a connection between science and spirituality.

The Unquiet Mind

This book is an autobiography full of inspiration and insight into personal growth. In this part of my recovery, I confront the traumatic event by recalling and grieving the letting go. By remembering, I can place my trauma tale into my narrative. I’ll work to overcome my long-standing mental health issues and improve my well-being during the healing phase with the help of HeartSync. Following the covering prayer at the beginning of the HeartSync session, I am asked to make a Divine Connection with God by recalling a memory. This is a place of meeting with the Lord. Systematically engage and synchronize with each of my Parts in painful memories, ego states, or alter identities to address.

Casting Them Out

For most of us, life is a series of overwhelming challenges. This often ranges from brief hard times to a long stroke of unbearable lousy luck. Despite the duration or the intensity, if those hard times find you when you’re already at your lowest point, then breaking is nearly inevitable. But there’s a way to turn your life around. Suffering from mental illnesses and becoming unemployed and disabled for over ten years put me at the lowest point in my life. It would be easy to give up and give in, but fortunately, I learned a few principles that give me the power to be extraordinary from my new and improved perspective. It is my opportunity to reinvent myself and achieve my dreams despite obstacles. I know how it is when your dark moments threaten to consume you. This book is for you to read so you know I have conquered the principles I challenged myself to that kept me on the never-ending journey to be a better, resilient person living a simple happy life peacefully with a bit of craziness now and then.

Break The Bondage

For most of us, life is a series of overwhelming challenges. This often ranges from brief hard times to a long stroke of unbearable lousy luck. Despite the duration or the intensity, if those hard times find you when you’re already at your lowest point, then breaking is nearly inevitable. But there’s a way to turn your life around. Suffering from mental illnesses and becoming unemployed and disabled for over ten years put me at the lowest point in my life. It would be easy to give up and give in, but fortunately, I learned a few principles that give me the power to be extraordinary from my new and improved perspective. It is my opportunity to reinvent myself and achieve my dreams despite obstacles. I know how it is when your dark moments threaten to consume you. This book is for you to read so you know I have conquered the principles I challenged myself to that kept me on the never-ending journey to be a better, resilient person living a simple happy life peacefully with a bit of craziness now and then.

Wings of Transformation

We have this strange need or conditioning not to take responsibility for our happiness. We expect it to come from an outside source. It can happen, but it’s fleeting. True happiness must come from within. True happiness comes from a connection to our actual being. The importance of surrender and trust is part of the essential process of growth and renewal. We can go within ourselves to dissolve old forms and morph, rebuilding and evolving ourselves. I was taught many things. Having more knowledge, I want more after healing my mind; now, it is the body and soul. As I worked on my body, seeing it transformed, my soul looked for something more significant than myself. The angel’s wings are my gift of protection and tranquility. With my wings, I can be free on the inside. The wings given from heaven prove that I can go through a great deal of darkness and still become something beautiful and be renewed. A transformation that will make you believe in the healing from a higher power beyond comprehension.

Sharing the Love

Sweet Compliments from Readers!
F.B. Lee Author

"I have been truly blessed to read Lena Nghiem's autobiography Touched by Light. I give it a full five-star rating or six if that is possible. I have never read a book that touched my heart and melted my soul like her book. Through her true-life agony, she truly exposes two topics that need to be brought to light: mental illness and Faith. Through her testimony, she delves into the realm of mental illness and explains through her painstaking suffering the feeling of being trapped in herself by her illness and her long road to recovery. Let alone doing her best to raise a family along the way. The softness of her heart is shown through the words she uses to express her frustration while battling her illness and worrying over the chaos it caused her family and friends. The strength of her love for her children, husband, and friends would force her to find the answers she so desperately needed by seeking God. The power and inspiration she found filled my heart with light and love that overpowered me and put me on my knees. I wept with her in pain and felt the uplifting light when she found God or He found her. Her gift of prayer in this book will truly overpower you and take your Faith to a new level. This inspirational book will leave your heart touched by the angels and has brought me out of hiding. Never in my life have I found the nerve to write reviews, but this book showed me the light. I want to thank Lena for sharing her story with me, and I hope her words touch your soul as they touched mine. Her testimony has shown me that God is all around us, and He hears our prayers. Thank you for sharing your miracle with the world. God bless."

Mina Millen My Spirituality Contemporary Counselor

To help me with healing, empowerment, and transformation. “DID: the beautiful gift of a broken heart. Wow, Lena, the beauty of loving with a divided heart! Yes, girl, remove the stigma! I appreciate your passion. You're sharing your healing encounters with God. He's giving you the strength to forgive those who don't understand. I heard a saying that I'd never forget helped my rejection wounds. "Your tribe wants what you have" to me. There are people out there hungry for what you're learning. You go, girl! It all makes sense, Lena. Thank you for trusting us. I feel so blessed to know how to love better and that God had you in mind and you’re healing. It's just fantastic for me and Lora to have front-row seats. I love that your writing is flowing. It's a song to get it out. It makes sense that you're thinking, what's going on? I can already tell you that I love your passion, how deep you're going, and how God's just using your high energy to get this out on paper. I just read your intro to the book. Very easy to read and understandable. Excellent, and I am intrigued. "I write what I feel from my heart. I'm just telling it like it is. I love it.”

Benihien Powell My Spiritual Mentor and Mother-In-Christ

"I had the privilege to watch Lena's life transform in the past eighteen months. Lena went from being a Christian unbeliever to a Christian believer, from a sicker to a seeker, from disabled and manic to becoming a writer with an amazing mind. More so, she moved from distancing from God and is now a daughter of God. Her book tells it all. It is an honor for me to know and learn about Lena's journey toward total healing. Lena is a survivor. She is determined and willing to search for more. She has a strong character that has contributed significantly to her healing today. The medicine helps to suppress and subdue the manic bipolar condition, but they don't heal. It is the power of God that heals. Ironically, the same illness that had tormented Lena for years became a tool for Lena to control and be creative. Co Hien has valuable spiritual wisdom to share and teaches me to understand my Spiritual Identity. Blessed are those who read this book and are willing to search for more of God. He loves you and is ready to give more if you search for Him."

Lora Manville My Spiritual Guru /HeartSync Educator | Lay Minister

"Disassociation is a gift of grace to survive pain and trauma. My favorite is Love Again with a Divided Heart. Loving Again: The Freedom and Power of a divided heart. This will be the most influential book, Lena, and give hope to millions. You are a genius. Lena, always, Faith—believing in the LORD and believing He believes in you, loves you perfectly, especially in our broken-heartedness, accepts it, uses it for His glory and our healing and redemption, is the gospel’s message. God and Jesus, the LORD, redeemed creation through broken and mended hearts and minds. I think this book will be decisive. What a privilege to know and love you, Lena. The LORD will bless this book. You are a gifted and anointed writer and will be used by the LORD to help bring healing to his lovely and sound creation. I believe it."

Carole Kushnir Owner of HK Enterprises/Supercut |Former Boss

"I learned a lot from reading this story about Lena. Her brave telling of her long road to recovery inspires those struggling with mental illnesses. Lena, the book is very well written. You have been through a lot, and it shows. You are very thoughtful and considerate. You should be proud of her work."

Alison Imbriaco Professional Editor

“Lena offers motivation and hopes to readers with mental illness. Opening her heart to share her experiences and reactions encourages readers to trust God, themselves, and caring medical professionals. At the same time, the book offers valuable insight to readers who live with or care for loved ones or friends with mental illness, especially the bipolar disorder and dissociative identity disorder that Lena struggles with."

Luce Wood Author

"Your book cover, I visualize a person who has conquered her obstacles and is now on top of her metaphorical mountain, arms extended in celebration/praise and welcoming others inspired by her story. If that was accurate, and it is what you were trying to convey, YOU GOT IT. Anyone needing a pick-me-up story or who wants to read a book about a positive outcome in the uncertain times we live in will reach for this book."


From My Blog

The Deeper Meaning of Anger

The Deeper Meaning of Anger

I found a website about anger that immediately caught my attention. I don’t understand why my husband disapproves of…

Why am I, the Way I am and Why I do, What I do

Why am I, the Way I am and Why I do, What I do

Why do I need to explain my bipolar disorder and DID? I have to go independently to find explanations…

The Supernatural Dream

The Supernatural Dream

The lights in my bedroom flickered off and were quickly replaced by the portal bursting open. It shot toward…

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