Lena H. Nghiem

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Lena H. Nghiem

Hello! I’m Lena. Welcome to my writing website and higher calling—to carry the message of hope, healing, and recovery. I was a depressed, lost soul, and through the help of others, I found a new model of living that has profoundly changed my life for the better. I am indebted to those who guided me and were driven to pay it forward. The purpose of this space is to encourage others to look within, to help those suffering from loneliness, restlessness, and discontent, and to aid those struggling with anxiety, anger, fear, depression, addiction, trauma, mental illness, and suicidal ideation. I believe that when we honestly look at our behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and belief systems—and work with them—we can alleviate the causes of our suffering and bring joy and happiness.


My Transformation is Transpiring With Guidance From Coach Brit Tafoya, the Weight Warrior Woman

I’m so excited to sign up to get help and hopefully transform my mind & body. Weight Loss Mastery (WLM) is an in-depth transformation program focused on healing the relationship with food, eating for weight loss and better health, and making lasting lifestyle changes. Weight Loss Mastery is built on 3 Pillars: Nourishment, Precision, and Freedom. While the pillars remain the same, the road there will be different for me as I get help to unravel the mental/mindset roadblocks that have hindered me in being successful with weight loss/healthy lifestyle. Every week I have a different focus point that prepares me for the upcoming week.

As we progress weekly in the ability to apply and adhere to what’s being taught each week to make this weight loss sustainable, I must spend time with my past issues and thoughts and old ways of being that no longer serve whom I am becoming. WLM is built on three pillars: Nourishment, Precision, and Freedom. I am being coached and guided in adhering to each phase of the pillars. I understand that my first phase of the program is The Nourishment Pillar. Pillar 1 is the first step to crafting a healthy and permanent weight loss journey. I can not have a healthy life without prioritizing my health. I’ve been taught to associate healthy eating with “dieting.” This way of thinking invites the all-or-nothing diet mentality and hinders the ability to make lasting eating changes. In the NOURISHMENT pillar, I make the necessary mind work to change that type of thinking, and I skillfully craft eating routines that flow with my day and taste buds while making nourishing my body a top priority. Nourishing my body is the STANDARD and has always been the standard. I must raise them consistently to live healthily, have energy, and have my body working optimally. I will always learn the power of nourishing my body in this foundational pillar. This will be the foundation I can always lean on throughout life, even after losing all the weight I desire. The need to nourish my body will never go away. Nourishment is the standard. My coach and I reviewed my preferred foods in my onboarding session to create my Pre-Filled Nourishment Planner. The planner’s idea is to help me become mindful of creating nourishment planning. This helps me make a habit of providing my body with what it needs to thrive! It also helps me see how foods I love effortlessly fit in my weight loss journey.


Brit Tafoya

Certified Nutritional Therapist & Certified Lifestyle Weight Management Specialist. The Weight War Coach



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